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Welcome, 2025!

Another year has passed, and we welcome 2025. Thanks to our members for re-electing our previous board to serve for two more years. This year will be more exciting than last year. We are adding new volunteers to join our board, we will have exciting drives and joint events with other regions. We will open up another monthly Cars & Coffee on the coast. 

We are looking forward to new volunteers to lead the drives. Our board members will strive hard  to make 2025 better than our previous years. So hold tight and let the fun begin. 

Special mention—we will miss the smile of my lovely wife Jackie on our drives, car events and Cars & Coffee that she supported.

Thank you, and Enjoy the Ride!

– Greg Dino
Cascade Region President

Download details, itinerary and contact info -> Click Here

PCA Zone 6 Calendar  ->  Click Here 

National PCA Calendar ->  Click Here

The below calendar shows 4 different local event categories:

  • Cascade Region, Central Chapter
  • Cascade Region, Southern Chapter
  • Other PCA events
  • Non-PCA events of possible interest
Drive to Walport & Mary’s Peak
Jun 26 @ 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Meet in Florence at the public parking lot at 1st and Nopal streets at 9:00 AM (coffee across the street at Old Town Coffee Roasters, restrooms just west of Mo’s), depart at 9:30 AM. North on Hwy 101 to Waldport, rest stop in a park near Waldport, then East on Hwy 34 and up to the top of Mary’s Peak, the highest point in the Oregon Coast Range. Plan to either picnic at Mary’s Peak, or (health regs permitting) driving to Alsea or Philomath to a local eatery.

First Saturday Coffee Stop (Central Chapter) @ Market of Choice
Jul 3 @ 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

We’re returning to the original venue for our monthly coffee gathering, beginning on the 7th of August. Once you get to Market of Choice, drive north past Pegasus Pizza and Office Max to the parking lot in the back. There is plenty of safe parking available. Coffee, goodies and restrooms are available inside Market of Choice. We’ll likely gather at the tables right in front of the store.

Cars and Coffee @ Black Rock Coffee Bar
Jul 24 @ 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Drive! Cottage Grove Lake @ Reustle-Prayer Creek Winery
Jul 24 @ 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Join us as we drive some of our favorite back roads to Cottage Grove, then turn south past Cottage Grove Lake and enjoy twisty bits to Sutherlin, ultimately arriving at Reustle-Prayer Rock Vineyards in time for lunch. Reustle Vineyards will offer gourmet burgers for purchase as well as wine tasting opportunities. Early RSVPs are essential so we can let the winery know how many people are coming, how many plan to purchase food, and how many plan to taste. Please RSVP now to

Plan to arrive at 9:00 AM at Lowes on West 11th in Eugene for a brief driver’s briefing and prompt 9:30 AM departure.

First Saturday Coffee Stop (Central Chapter) @ Market of Choice
Aug 7 @ 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

We’re returning to the original venue for our monthly coffee gathering, beginning on the 7th of August. Once you get to Market of Choice, drive north past Pegasus Pizza and Office Max to the parking lot in the back. There is plenty of safe parking available. Coffee, goodies and restrooms are available inside Market of Choice. We’ll likely gather at the tables right in front of the store.

Tech Session Aaron’s Autowerks @ Aaron' Autowerks
Aug 7 @ 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Aaron of Aarons Autowerks 4556 S. Pacific Hwy. Phoenix Oregon, has generously offered to conduct a Tech Session for Porsche Club Members on Saturday August 7th, from 10:00 to 12:00 pm. The topic fas not been announced yet but expect it to be something on how to make your car look, perform, or run better.